Stop Living in Fear with Heidi St. John – ETB #22

Have you felt fearful lately? Do you want to speak up but know what to do? As Christians, how can we starve the fear that is taking over our country? If you are afraid, you’re not alone. Millions of people feel the same way you do. Want to know how you can stop living in fear?

Stop Living in Fear with Heidi St. John - ETB #22

How Can You Stop Living in Fear?

In this episode, Heidi St. John and I talk about what’s happening across America and how you can stop living in fear and start living boldly. We dive into how you can make a difference, and challenge you to take off the blanket of fear.

About Heidi St. John

Heidi St John has delighted tens of thousands of readers through her blog, her Facebook page, her seven books, and now Faith That Speaks, where she is leading women through a continuing online Bible Study and relationship building as they all #getoffthebench and #ontothebattlefield together. Her transparent style and her rich sense of humor combine to draw her readers into what feels like a very personal conversation over a cup of coffee.

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Stop Living in Fear with Heidi St. John - ETB #22