Guide Your Prodigal Home with Laine Lawson Craft – ETB #156

Do you have a prodigal child? Are you desperate to guide your prodigal home? Laine Lawson Craft has lived this story with her three children. Now she’s committed to sharing their testimony and showing parents how to fight the spiritual battle to guide their prodigals back home again.

Guide Your Prodigal Home with Laine Lawson Craft - ETB #156

In this episode, Laine and I talk about:

  • How your kids are being attacked for their destiny
  • The number one thing that a parent (or anyone can do) for a child
  • What is a prodigal?
  • Staying in the game with your adult kids
  • How guiding your prodigal home is a long-term commitment
  • Dealing with discouragement
  • How to handle backsliding
  • How one touch of God can change everything

About Laine Lawson Craft

Laine is dauntlessly committed to guiding parents of teens and young adults to win back their prodigal children.

She partners with prodigal parents so that they find a proven battle plan and strategies to guide them to know that they are not in a war with their child but in a war with the enemy trying to destroy them; they will learn how to have authority over the battles, and how to pray for victory for their prodigal.

With over fifteen years of working with amazing people with similar hurts and spiritual warfare and guiding them to achieve remarkable success, her mission and commitment are to give you insights and revelations into how the darkness of our world operates, build your hope, and give tried-and-true tools and applications that will bring your prodigal home.

Her path to writing this life-transforming battle plan became clear after she fought hell for her children, and her family was healed and won.

Laine is an award-winning, best-selling author, popular media host, and in-demand speaker.

She has been married to Steve, her husband, for over thirty-five years, and she loves spending time with her two sons, only daughter, daughter-in-love, and son-in-love.

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Guide Your Prodigal Home with Laine Lawson Craft - ETB #156